Further to recent communications, askmyGP is now closed to new requests. This will enable our team to complete any outstanding requests in the system prior to transition to our new consultation platform Anima on the 24th April. You can still access askmyGP to review your open requests. The surgery will continue to be open as normal, please telephone us on 01935 822236.
If you submitted a request before the closure, this will be reviewed by a clinician and you will be contacted or invited to an appointment as soon as possible within a timeframe that is clinically appropriate.
We expect our phone lines to be busier than usual and ask that patients space their calls across the day where possible to reduce the length of time you have to wait.
For more information on this closure please see the previously shared communications below. For more information on Anima and how to sign up for the new system visit our new Introducing Anima page here
If you would like to login to askmyGP to review an existing request, you can still access the system by clicking the image below:
REMEMBER you don’t always need to submit a request.
Patient Access can be used to order or obtain advice about repeat prescriptions. Alternatively, the following guidance may help you identify a more appropriate setting for your need.
Self Care
Care for yourself at home
Minor cuts & grazes
Minor bruises
Minor sprains
Coughs & colds
Local expert advice
Minor Illnesses
Stomach upsets
Bites & Stings
GP Advice
Out of hours: Call 111
Persistent Symptoms
Chronic pain
Long term conditions
New Prescriptions
Urgent Treatment Centres
Breaks & Sprains
Cuts & Grazes
Fever & Rashes
A&E or 999
For emergencies only
Chest Pain
Blacking Out
Serious Blood Loss